Is the soundtrack for Sky available for listening?

The soundtrack for Sky is available and can be found on the official website at

The Sky Original Game Soundtrack Vol. 1 is the first album release for the game and features music composed by the award-winning composer Vincent Diamante. The compositions were performed by the talented musicians of the Macedonian Symphonic Orchestra at FAME.
The Sky Original Game Soundtrack Vol. 2 is a 26-track album that continues the atmospheric scoring of the game’s main story arc. Composed by award-winning composer Vincent Diamante, the music in this soundtrack adds to the immersive experience of the game and allows players to continue enjoying the beauty and emotion of the game even after putting down the controller.
The Sky Original Game Soundtrack Vol. 3 features 36 tracks of music that include favorites from past adventure seasons in the game. All of the music was composed by award-winning composer Vincent Diamante.
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